All Alliance news
Discover the news of Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp, the only european agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference and brings together all players in the european Flax-Linen and Hemp value chain.
Discover the news of Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp, the only european agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference and brings together all players in the european Flax-Linen and Hemp value chain.
Spring-Summer 2026 European Linen : Bold creative proposals
Dive into the major trends that promise to mark the spring-summer 2026 season and follow the thread of a Linen under the sign of astonishment Astonishing Linen
Linen & Hemp Dream Lab: The Platform Reinventing Textile Material Sourcing
Julie Bénédicte Lambert: Flax Fibre at the heart of an International Sculpture
Flax-Linen, the fibre of civilisation(s): the event book that unveils the history of a thousand-year-old textile