Linen is making a name for itself in fashion
copyright Nouta Kiaïe

Linen in Fashion

Linen is making a name for itself on fashion designers’ catwalk as well as in desirable brands’ collections. Linen models are part of a timeless wardrobe that we enjoy wearing, whatever the season! Discover the linen creations that will inspire you.

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Fashion takes over linen

Summer 2024 fashion focus : a highly attractive linen

This summer, and linen finds itself at the centre of fashion and beauty trends. The plant fibre is inspiring designers and shaping modern aspirations. Thanks to its multiple qualities, flax is seducing young generations. Let’s take a look at highly desirable European flax.

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  • The creativity of Linen, to be discovered during the Cap à l'Ouest operation at BHV Marais

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  • Flax strategy in Italy via the Alliance

    A new scheme for Italy

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  • Igor Dieryck Flax-Linen Talent Hyeres Festival

    Flax-Linen stands out at the Hyères Festival with Igor Dieryck and his three Fashion Prizes

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  • Linen and fashion, a long love story

  • Women's fashion, linen must-haves for summer

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  • Men's linen fashion shooting

    Men's fashion, linen essentials for summer

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  • European Flax-Linen at BHV Marais
    BHV Marais

    European Flax-Linen is at the heart of BHV Marais' values

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  • Linen for outerwear

    Linen, the ideal companion in the outdoors

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